Lorraine Prieto, Transformational Coach

I answered the call of my heart… 

Will you answer yours?

Hi there! Can I go out on a limb here and tell you I bet I know a thing or two about you even though we’ve never met?

For example: I know you’re a strong, achievement-oriented woman who is spiritually curious and adventurous. 

You feel like something is missing from your life, or like you are not on the right path, and because of that, you feel frustrated, stuck, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled.

You may even be at a point in your life where you wish you could totally reinvent yourself (but aren’t sure how to even start).

More than anything, you urgently want to add magic and meaning to your life, and you’re willing to invest in yourself to get there, because you’re worth it. 

That’s where I come in…

My name is Lorraine Prieto. I’m a Transformational Life and Business Coach, and I’m here to help you create and live a life that makes you excited to get out of bed each day, feel alive like never before, and feel like you are living “on purpose.”

My Story

I know what you’re going through because I have been there. 

Looking at my life from the outside, you wouldn’t see much to complain about.

I’m a first-gen daughter of Latino immigrants. I studied hard in school and was the first to go to college in my family. After college I moved to a big city to work, then went back to school for an MBA a few years later.

I had a successful marketing career, met a wonderful man, and got married. We started a family, and I decided to give up my career to become a full-time mom, supportive wife, and perennial volunteer. I have been blessed with two wonderful children, a successful husband, a loving family, good friends, and a very nice lifestyle. 

I am beyond grateful for the way my life has evolved. 

However, despite all the trimmings of what can be described as an ideal life, I have always struggled with a sense that I came to this Earth to do something important--to fulfill a specific purpose. 

The problem was I had NO idea what that purpose was, and no matter what I tried, it never felt quite right.

It always felt like something was missing from my life, and true fulfillment eluded me, despite my many efforts (and my many blessings). I often felt like a hamster on a hamster wheel, “efforting” like mad but going nowhere.

I had no idea how to get off the wheel, or how to infuse my life with more purpose and meaning.

Thankfully, that began to change as my children grew and I found more time for myself. 

It started when I rediscovered my spirituality, which had taken a back seat to my studies, career, and budding family. My priority was still tending to my family’s needs, but I also began nurturing my spirituality. I read and collected tons of books on all aspects of spirituality, I took courses, and I found and began to practice elements of spirituality that resonated with me. These included meditation, yoga, Tarot, and Reiki. 

While my family and some close friends were aware of my spiritual pursuits, most others were not. I was afraid of how others might view what I was doing, so I hid it all away. I spent years operating out of the metaphorical “spiritual closet,” not daring to share this side of me with the world.

Then, about three years ago, as I faced the prospect of becoming an empty nester, I started thinking in earnest about what my next chapter might look like. 

Through my connection to Source and my evolving spiritual practice, I stopped allowing myself to be defined and limited by what I do and how others see me. 

I became aware of who I truly am, which freed me from the box I had been operating from and opened up possibilities for my future.  

It sounds really simple to say, but it took a radical and profound shift in perspective for me to reach this place. 

My new awareness gave me the permission I needed to truly follow the song that had always been in my heart, and slowly but surely, I came to the conclusion that the scariest option of all—the one that made me the most vulnerable, but also made the “real me” the most visible—was the one I had to pursue. 

This “awakening” helped me realize that stepping forward as a Transformational Life and Business Coach was my calling. 

Making this decision was like giving myself a gift, because for the first time, I am living a fully integrated life, where all the different pieces of me come together (instead of hiding in a corner because I’m embarrassed by them). 

Through my coaching practice, I am embodying everything that I am and that I love; I am energized, excited, and I finally feel like I am living on purpose. 

As a Transformational Coach, my goal for you is to help you be free of the limitations and disempowering view of yourself and your life’s story, and instead find a new and empowered perspective on your life story.

So that like I did, you too can break free from whatever is holding you back, push boldly towards your goals, and live a life full of purpose and meaning.  

I will do that with you using my proven, powerful mindset coaching philosophy and intuitive gifts, in combination with practical spiritual tools you can bring to your real life. 

If you are ready to answer the call of your heart and create a life you love living, I would be honored to walk beside you on this noble journey. 


Completely Fun Facts About ME

Lorraine Prieto
  • Spanish was my first language, but today I speak Spanish with a thick American accent—much to the amusement of my Spanish-speaking relatives. 

  • I love to take long walks and hikes with my Belgian Malinois, Demi. When I am out in nature, I relax and find my Zen.

  • I love to read. My current book club reads literary fiction, but when they are not looking, I like to sneak in some Science Fiction and Chick Lit novels. Right now, I am geeking out on non-fiction, especially books on Quantum Physics. I am mesmerized by the fact that Science and Spirituality are starting to merge!

  • I am a Mystic. I believe that God or Source is in everyone and everything and that it is possible to commune with or experience Source. Source energy is what unites all of us, and it is what makes us powerful Co-Creators of our own lives. 

  • I love the perspective of looking at life through the lens of a camera. I especially love taking pictures on my nature walks.

  • I am an Intuitive and an Empath. I have always been good at reading a room, reading between the lines, and sensing others’ feelings. Over the years (and while I was in the spiritual closet), I trained to add to my intuitive skills. Today, I am also a Tarot Reader and a Reiki Master, and I will be incorporating these modalities into my coaching practice when appropriate.

  • I am an oenophile. French white burgundies take me to my happy place.

  • I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies: I have to have alone time to recharge my batteries, but I need to be with people after I recharge. My definition of a good time is “good friends, good food, and good wine.”

  • Disco music is my jam. I love to turn up the 70’s tunes and dance like no one’s watching.

If you are ready to create your ideal life so you can live with more purpose and joy, click the link below to schedule your FREE Discovery call.

During this free session, we will discuss the following:

  • Where you are currently in your life versus where you’d like to be

  • How coaching with me works

  • Whether we are a good fit to work together

  • Your options for working with me if we are a good fit

A Discovery Call is a great opportunity to see if my coaching program can help you create a life full of magic and meaning. Schedule your call now!

Professional Bio

Lorraine Prieto, Transformational Life and Business Coach

Lorraine Prieto
Lorraine Prieto

Lorraine Prieto is a Transformational Life and Business Coach who helps strong, achievement-oriented women, experiencing life transitions—such as career change, retirement, empty-nesting, or divorce-- find their authentic selves and their ideal lives, both personally and professionally. Using the sum of her career and life experience, as well as her spiritual perspective and intuitive gifts, Lorraine strives to help her clients attain new and empowered perspectives on their life and business stories so they can break free of whatever is holding them back and boldly push forward towards their dreams. Lorraine’s transformative coaching style helps her clients achieve a greater awareness and appreciation for how special and powerful they truly are and enables them to live heart-led lives full of purpose and joy. 

Prior to coaching, Lorraine received her Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. In her early career, Lorraine held consulting, business planning, and marketing positions for Peterson Consulting, PepsiCo and The Walt Disney Company. For the last 20 years, while raising her two children as a full-time mom, Lorraine has held various board and committee positions for non-profit organizations such as Common Sense Media and Para Los Niños. Today, Lorraine is a Master Certified Life Coach (MCLC) holding certifications from the Certified Life Coach Institute and Atmana Academy.



  • Associate Certified Coach

  • International Coaching Federation Member

  • Master Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Professional Life Coach