Navigating the Path of Spiritual Ascension: Embracing Growth, Loss, and Transformation
Lorraine Prieto Lorraine Prieto

Navigating the Path of Spiritual Ascension: Embracing Growth, Loss, and Transformation

Spiritual ascension isn't about a quick fix, but a transformative journey towards higher consciousness. It involves shedding limitations, finding inner peace, and connecting with all things. Through practices like meditation or acts of kindness, individuals can find purpose and navigate challenges like the loss of friendships that don't resonate with their growth. Embrace the journey, for it leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe.

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Embracing the Unity of Science and Spirituality for Your Personal Growth
Lorraine Prieto Lorraine Prieto

Embracing the Unity of Science and Spirituality for Your Personal Growth

This blog highlights how our consciousness shapes reality, echoing spiritual teachings. It also explores research on the mind-body-spirit connection, validating holistic approaches to well-being. Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and energy healing are all practices that can be used to cultivate self-awareness, resilience, and inner peace.

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